We've all been there - an ever-growing to-do list and not enough hours in the day, but feeling hesitant to delegate tasks to another for fear that nobody can do it better than we can, or it's quicker to do it ourselves than to train someone else. This mindset can lead to feeling overworked and burnt out, which ultimately, none of us want. In this blog, we will work to change the way we think about sharing our workload with others and explore how it can transform your professional life for the better.
"I can do it better myself"
This is something that we hear a lot as Virtual Assistants. This unwillingness to delegate stems from the fear of losing control, or perhaps the belief that nobody can perform the task as well as we can. It's important to recognise that delegation isn't finding someone who can do the task exactly like you; it's about finding someone capable and reliable to complete it satisfactorily. Delegating tasks also provides a fresh perspective; someone else may have a better, or more efficient way of performing the task in hand.
"I could do it quicker myself"
Many believe that completing tasks themselves is quicker than explaining it to someone else. Whilst that initially may be true, this mindset fails to recognise the power of delegation long term. Say it takes you 15 minutes per day to complete a task, that's just over an hour a week that you could save by delegating it to someone else. So whilst it may take some time to explain it to someone else, you're giving yourself back valuable time to focus on higher value tasks.
"Delegating is admitting weakness"
Some people view delegation as a sign of weakness in that they cannot manage their own workload or are a failure. This is simply not true. Delegation shows self-awareness and an understanding of our limitations. As professionals, we strive to excel and take ownership of our work, but acknowledging that we have finite time and energy is vital for personal and professional growth.
The 70% rule
So, how do we know what and when to delegate? Jim Schleckser, author of 'Great CEOs Are Lazy', recommends the 70% rule. What is the 70% rule we hear you ask? In a nutshell, if the other person can perform the task at least 70% as well as you can, it's time to delegate. We get it - it might seem counterproductive to hand over a task when it might not be completed as perfectly as you, but letting go of the pursuit of perfection is essential in delegation. The key is to decide what matters more to you: getting the work done perfectly according to your standards or getting it completed successfully in their unique way. Sometimes, giving your team members the freedom to handle tasks differently leads to fresh and improved approaches.
Delegating tasks and outsourcing work can be a transformative shift in your professional life. By breaking free from the myths surrounding delegation, you open up new possibilities for growth, productivity, and work-life balance. Embrace delegation as a strategic tool to enhance your efficiency, and watch as it empowers you to focus on high-impact tasks, leading to greater success and fulfillment in your career. Remember, delegating isn't a sign of weakness; it's a demonstration of leadership and the willingness to invest in a more rewarding future. So, let go of the myths, and embrace delegation as your secret weapon to professional excellence.